DIRECT CARE Case Study: 35% Workload Decrease with Automated Scheduling

RPA in healthcare

The problem

Direct Care, a leading aged care and disability support provider in Australia has been expanding its services rapidly in response to growing demand. However, the company was facing challenges in meeting customer support expectations as its call center, which was the primary channel for appointment booking, was struggling to keep up with the increased volume of calls. Moreover, the call center’s inflexible system did not provide APIs for third-party integration, which limited the company’s ability to provide customer service through other channels.

The Solution

To develop and deploy the voice and chat-enabled RPA Bots for patient appointment scheduling, Direct Care contacted a leading Hitech provider specializing in automation and artificial intelligence. The provider worked closely with Direct Care to understand their specific requirements and develop a customized solution that integrated seamlessly with the company’s existing systems. After careful consultation, they have decided to develop and deploy voice and chat-enabled RPA Bots for patient appointment scheduling. They want their patient to interact with the Bots via the company’s website or Google Assistant to quickly locate the nearest care center, check the status of their orders, and make or change appointments.


Thanks to the implementation of the RPA Bots, Direct Care has seen a significant improvement in its appointment scheduling process. Today, over 50% of appointments are made through the chat Bot, and the company has been able to reduce the number of full-time employees needed to handle these types of requests by 35%.

With its innovative approach to customer service, Direct Care is setting a new standard in the aged care and disability support industry in Australia. By leveraging the latest technologies, the company is able to provide a more seamless and personalized experience for its customers, while also streamlining its operations and reducing costs.

  • Cost Saving: 35%
  • Reduction in manual laborers: 40% 


Although the task of designing, developing,  till the execution and testing phase is complex but Hitechprovider managed to automate the whole process in 5 weeks of time. Although the results direct care has started to see results in the 1st week of the implementation of RPA