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Head of Research & Development

Syed Irtaza Muzaffar

He is currently pursuing his PHD in Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence. He has almost 10 years of teaching and development experience. He Has worked on real time Machine Learning, Deep Learning , Natural Language Processing, and Business Process Management (BPM) problems. His primary research interest is in ML, BPM and NLP domain. He has published more than 5 research articles in international impact factor journals and conferences. He has various certifications in the fields of ML, DL, NLP, Data Mining, BPM and Computational Modeling. Owing to his love, vast knowledage and experience in ML and AI, he has become President of our operations.


Irtaza Syed is member of the board of directors at HitechProvider and a respected expert in Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Business Process Management, Process Mining and Block Chain. He has immense knowledge and done plenty of hands on projects on above mentioned domains. He did a Ph.D. in Computer Sciences. His recent publications include:
  • Deep Analysis of Process Model Matching Techniques. Published on May 25, 2020 in IEEE Access. Click here to see the publication.
  • Intention Mining: A Deep learning-based Approach for Smart Devices. Published on Jan 16, 2020 in Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments). Click here to see the publication.
  • Process Matching: Performance Trade-Off Between Summary and Full-Length Descriptions. Published on Jul 1, 2019 in Computing and Informatics formerly Computers and Artificial Intelligence. Click here to see the publication.